WoW Classic Season of Mastery molten core Boss Guides

- Stack Lucifron and Flamewaker Protectors so they can be cleaved down. Off tank(s) should angle the Flamewaker Protectors so they don't the Main Tank.Cleave
- Kill the Flamewaker Protectors first.
- Druids and Mages decurse .Lucifron's Curse
- Priests and Paladins cleanse andDominate Mind.Impending Doom
- are very helpful dealing withRestorative Potions.Lucifron's Curse

- Tank Magmadar where he stands.
- Cleave down the Core Hounds when the spawn. Make sure they die at the same time.
- Move out of .Lava Bomb
- Melee DPS will take extra damage from which stacks up to 3 times.Magma Spit
- Ranged DPS stay max range to avoid .Panic
- Hunters use to get rid ofTranquilizing Shot.Frenzy
- Dwarf Priests should start using on as many targets before pulling Magmadar. You can usually start doing this after you kill Lucifron.Fear Ward
- Warriors can use and Shamans can useBerserker Rageto breakTremor Totem.Panic
- Paladins and Shamans can use andFire Resistance Aurato help mitigate some of the raid damage.Fire Resistance Totem
- Stack Gehennas and the Flamewakers so they can be cleaved down. Early on it might be best to keep them away from each other to limit the impact of casted by the Flamewakers.Fist of Ragnaros
- Move out of .Rain of Fire
- Druids and Mages decurse .Gehennas' Curse
- The Flamewakers will cast and stun nearby enemies. Melee DPS can useFist of Ragnarosto prevent this.Free Action Potion
- are very helpful dealing withRestorative Potions.Gehennas' Curse
- Kill Garr first.
- Garr will use throughout the encounter.Antimagic Pulse
- He will also use on nearby players.Magma Shackles
- Spread out away from other players to limit the damage done by Magmakin when they charge and explode.
- Warlocks use on as many Firesworn adds as needed.Banish
- Off tanks will tank the remaining Firesworn adds within 15 yds of Garr so you don't trigger .Separation Anxiety
- Priests and Paladins cleanse from the Off Tanks.Immolate
- Firesworn will explode on death, dealing damage and knocking players within 15 yds. Make sure Melee players run out before they die.
- Gnomes can use and everyone can useEscape Artistto help deal withFree Action Potion.Magma Shackles
Baron Geddon
- Ranged and Healers stack together away from Baron Geddon.
- Baron Geddon will cast on 3 players at a time. Make sure to run away from everyone else, let the debuff expire, then re-join everyone.Living Bomb
- All Melee except the Tank will need to run away from Baron Geddon when he casts .Inferno
- Move out of Flame Patches after Baron Geddon casts , and afterInfernogoes off.Living Bomb
- Priests and Paladins cleanse from Mana users.Ignite Mana
- Baron Geddon will start casting when he is near death, and if the cast goes off it will kill the entire raid. Make sure to kill him before this finishes.Armageddon
- Paladins and Shamans can use andFire Resistance Aurato help mitigate some of the raid damage.Fire Resistance Totem
- are very helpful dealing withRestorative Potions.Ignite Mana
Stacking Strategy
- All Ranged, Healers, and at least 1 Tank stack together max distance from Shazzrah, while the Melee and the Main Tank are attacking the him in melee range.
- Priests and Shamans remove from Shazzrah.Deaden Magic
- Druids and Mages decurse .Shazzrah's Curse
- All casters stop casting before Shazzrah uses .Counterspell
- Shazzrah will use every 4 seconds until he dies.Arcane Explosion
- Shazzrah will randomly target a player and use , and wiping all threat and spawning an Image of Shazzrah that also castsBlink.Arcane Explosion
- Stop all DPS, and allow your Off Tank in the group Shazzrah teleported on top of to pick him up.
- All Ranged and Healers run away from Shazzrah and stack where the Main Tank is standing.
- All Melee besides the Main Tank run towards and start DPSing Shazzrah.
- This strategy will allow your Off Tank to pick up Shazzrah more easily since you know where he will to, but it comes at the cost more raid wide damage since everyone will be stacked forBlinkDecursing asap is extremely important in this strategy.Arcane Explosion
Spreading Strategy
- All Ranged and Healers spread out around Shazzrah.
- Priests and Shamans remove from Shazzrah.Deaden Magic
- Druids and Mages decurse .Shazzrah's Curse
- All casters stop casting before Shazzrah uses .Counterspell
- Shazzrah will use every 4 seconds until he dies.Arcane Explosion
- Shazzrah will randomly target a player and use , and wiping all threat.Blink
- Stop all DPS, and wait for a Tank to establish threat on Shazzrah.
- Make sure to run away Shazzrah if you are near him after he uses because an Image of Shazzrah will spawn that also castsBlink.Arcane Explosion
- This should be a bit easier on the healers since less players will be getting hit by afterArcane Explosion, but it will be harder for the Tanks to pick up Shazzrah since there won't be a Tank where he teleports to.Blink
- are very helpful dealing withRestorative Potions.Shazzrah's Curse
Golemagg the Incinerator
- Stack Golemagg the Incinerator and the Corehounds so they can be cleaved down.
- You will need at least 3 Tanks for this fight, 2 for Golemagg the Incinerator and at least 1 for the Corehounds.
- The Tanks on Golemagg the Incinerator will need to Taunt off each other after reaching 6 stacks of .Magma Splash
- Healers watch out for players targeted by and raid wide damage caused byPyroblast.Earthquake
- Paladins and Shamans can use andFire Resistance Aurato help mitigate some of the raid damage.Fire Resistance Totem
Sulfuron Harbinger
- Tank Sulfuron Harbinger and all of the Flamewaker Priests away from one another to prevent from hitting each other.Inspire
- The Tank on Sulfuron Harbinger will occasionally get stunned by .Hand of Ragnaros
- Make sure to interrupt .Dark Mending
- If you move it far enough away, Flamewaker Priests shouldn't be able to cast on the current kill target.Dark Mending
- Continue to do this until all of the Flamewaker Priests are dead, then switch to Sulfuron Harbinger.
- Priests and Paladins cleanse andImmolate.Shadow Word: Pain
- Once your raid becomes more geared, you can stack and AoE everything down. Make sure to have assignements for interrupts.Dark Mending
- Paladins and Priests can use andShadow Resistance Aurato help mitigate some of the raid damage.Shadow Protection
- are very helpful dealing withFree Action Potions.Hand of Ragnaros
Majordomo Executus
- Tank Majordomo Executus away from everything else. He can't be killed, the fight will end once all the adds are killed.
- Off Tanks need to pick up Flamewaker Elites. Early on, you might need a Tank for each of them.
- Mages can the Flamewaker Healers until all of the Flamewaker Elites are killed.Polymorph
- Once any 2 adds are killed, all remaining adds are immune to any Crowd Control.
- Casters must watch out for the debuff.Magic Reflection
- Healers must watch out for players that get hit by the adds' magical spells.
- Majordomo Executus will cast on the Main Tank and teleport him to the coals at the center of the boss room.Teleport
- The Main Tank needs to pick up Majordomo Executus after being teleported.
- If you are having trouble dealing with all of the adds, you can have a Hunter kite one of the Flamewaker Elites down the ramp. The Hunter can kite very far away using and can eventually useAspect of the Cheetahwhenever the add is about to catch up. The Flamewaker Elite will need to be picked up by a Tank whenever it gets back to the rest of the raid.Feign Death
Phase 1
- Ranged and Healers spread out around the platforms around the center of the room. Ragnaros will spawn in the center.
- Melee need to run out to avoid .Wrath of Ragnaros
- The Main Tank can resist to avoid getting knocked back, but if they get hit by it, an Off Tank needs to pick him up immediately.Wrath of Ragnaros
- There must always be someone in melee range of Ragnaros or else he will start casting on random players.Magma Blast
- Random ranged players will randomly be targeted by , dealing damage and knocking them back.Lava Burst
Phase 2
- Starts at 50% health.
- Ragnaros submerges and Sons of Flame will spawn.
- Make sure to keep them away from you casters because of .Lava Shield
- Sons of Flame can be Crowd Controlled.
- Ragnaros will re-appear once all of the Sons of Flame are killed.
- Once Ragnaros re-appears, Sons of Flame will randomly spawn from lava for the rest of the fight.
- Paladins and Shamans can use andFire Resistance Aurato help mitigate some of the raid damage.Fire Resistance Totem
- Mages and Hunters can use andFrost Novato help control the adds in Phase 2.Frost Trap